AP Chemistry (Period 3)

Rich Dad Junior School Teachers
Balungi Onesmus

I know you are wondering if this program will cover the units that you are studying. Below is a list of all the units and the lessons contained in the units. If you are using this as a curriculum, you can see that this Algebra Course contains a very thorough study of Algebra. If you are using this as a supplement to your studies, you will find many individual lessons guaranteed to suit your needs. In order to complete the entire course in the allotted time.

Unit Name Date Assignments
States of Matter and Atomic Structure
Introduction to Principles of Chemistry February 4, 2016 1
States of Matter and Atomic Structure February 8, 2016 2
Relative Formula Mass and Chemical Equations March 6, 2016 2
Chemical Formulae March 9, 2016 1
Reacting masses, Ionic and Covalent Bonding March 11, 2016 1
Metallic Crystals and Electrolysis April 9, 2016 1
Using Formulas April 11, 2016 3
Absolute Value May 26, 2016 1

Important Dates

  • 4:30 pm
  • Rich Dad Junior School
Visitation Day

However, parents or guardians are free to walk in and check on their children’s performance any day from Monday to Saturday during working hours only but after seeking permission from the School Administration which should be between 8:00am and 5:00pm of a normal working day.

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