Online Admission Form Family Relationship Family Pupils' Health history/ records Final Declaration Child Bio Family Relationship Pupil's health Records Final Declaration Admission Form CHILD'S BIO-DATA First Name Last Name: Middle Name Date of Birth Zone/ Village Sub-county/ Division Home District/ Municipality Previous School Previous Class if any Location of previous school Previous residence if changed Date of Birth Birth Position First Second Last Other Orphan Status (tICK) N/A Father died Mother died Both parents died Don't Know them Religion/ Sec/ Denomination Christian/Church of the province of Uganda Islam/ Muslim Christian/ SDA Christian/ Pentecostal Christianity/ Orthodox Buddhism Hinduism Number of brothers and Sisters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Child Photo Choose a file Max. size: 1.5 GB Family Relationship Mothers name Tel Current residence Mothers Email Address Any social media account (Facebook, WhatsApp no. etc.) Ocuupation Work place and address Office Tel Marital Status Single Mother Married Divorced Widowed Next of KIN (N.O.K) N.O.K Tel Relationship to N.O.K Next of KIN (N.O.K) N.O.K Tel Relationship to N.O.K Father's Name Tel: Fathers E-mail Address Residential Address/ Current Father 's Martial Status Single Father Married Divorced Widowed Occupation Work Place Office tel contact Location of work Place Next of Kin (N.O.K) Tel Relationship to N.O.K Next of Kin (N.O.K) Tel Next of Kin (N.O.K) Email Any social media account (Facebook, WhatsApp no, etc Pupils' Health history/ records Any physical disability Yes No If yes, specify it: Pupil's personal/ family doctor's name Tel Email Doctor's social network account (Facebook/ WhatsApp) Special child's health facility if any Any types of food stuffs the child does not eat? Yes No Any types of food stuffs the child does not eat? If Yes, Specify Name them Have you suffered from any chronic disease? Yes No If Yes, specify / name them; Are you on medication? Yes No If yes, specify below; How often do you go for the medical check-up? Medical Form for Admission (Fitness) Pupil's Name Age/ Years Weight (kgs) Sex Male Female Parent / Guardian's Name Current Residence Tel History of Epilepsy History of Candidiasis (Girl) History of Typhoid History of Hepatitis IMMUNISATION RECORDS Have you immunized for Polio Immunized Not Immunized Hoping to take up immunization Have you immunized Small Pox Immunized Not Immunized Hoping to take up immunization Malaria Frequency Always Not Often Quite Often Very immune Do you have any of the following texted positive. Tick IF Yes Hypertension (Pressure) Sickle Cell anaemia Diabetes Kidney failure Liver Problems Heart Related problems Ulceration (Stomach) Pancreas related problems Asthma Does the child have any of the following impairments/ deformities ? Tick if Yes No Limbs Visual Vision Hearing Others If others, Specify Clinic Results Kindly comment on the results got after testing the following Blood Stool analysis Kidney Stomach Urine analysis Chest Any fibroids tested and scanned (Girls) ? Other Doctor's general remarks Doctor's Name Doctors Tel Doctor's Email Social Network if any Hospital/ clinic/ health center Name Final Declaration Terms and Conditions SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS The rules and regulations are a key guideline to successful and harmonious living in the school life while at Rich Dad Junior School True and genuine education is based on sharping of character concurrently with learning academic subjects. Educationists therefore guide learners to respect and follow Rich Dad Junior School rules and regulations so as to build honesty, helpfulness, co-operation, efficiency and good manners leading to good characters building. Rich Dad Junior School family therefore runs on the following at its heart. LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION 1A LANGUAGE: Rich Dad Junior School curriculum caters for five languages taught practically during their respective lessons, but the medium of communication throughout the school and after those other four languages is strictly English only. 1B VULGAR LANGUAGE, LOOSE TALK, GOSSIPING AND ARROGANCE These are strictly not allowed at school and involving oneself in one of them is punishable. 1C POLITE LANGUAGE This is the only language needed at Rich Dad Junior School. Any impolite language detected will be highly discouraged and the subject (leaner) will be called to the disciplinary committee for affirmative action of change. 2A ATTENDANCE Every learner at Rich Dad Junior School is expected to be regular in attending the lessons daily and following the opening and closing routines of the school. This includes all the lessons and other school activities as guided/directed by the officer’s-in-charge (OCs) 2B ABSENTISM There is zero tolerance to absenteeism, a killer factor of performance in class. Any pupil who falls victim to this with false excuse will face a suitable recovery measure and if it persists, he /she will be advised to look for another school. Please Note: Genuine absenteeism follows a clear flow of communication from the home of the child to school. 2C SCHOOL GATHERINGS I.) All prayer sessions of the pupil’s respective religion are mandatory/ compulsory. They include all the five slat (prayer) of Muslims daily, juma prayer for Muslims every Friday and spiritual alert Hour (SAH) for all denominations and religions every Friday from midday to 1:00 p.m. II.) Assembles, parades and roll calls must be attended by all pupils who are called upon by any authorized persons unless specific and defined permission is given. 3A FOOD AND WATER FOR DRINKING The school provides both of these essentials/ necessities. They are of very high and recommendable quality in line with different nationalities (people) in school. Refusal to eat or drink water at school will call for investigation and if found intentional, a warning / punishment will be given. 3B All meals served at school suit everyone due to the wide range of foodstuffs prepared, so they are compulsory to every pupil. 4A TIMEAND ROUTINE Pupils must arrive at school in the time stated for arrival in the routine 4B A child who arrives beyond/ past the routine time stated will be transported back home and asked to come back to school with the parent the following day. 4C All Learners must be in class room at the time a lesson commences. 4D The maximum time of late response to any call for any activity at school is five (5 minutes). Any pupil who comes later than that is given a serious caution/ even punishment. ACADEMICS 5A Handwriting. Our handwriting format is looking at every letter of a word you write and it can easily be changed into a geometrical circle (circular-print hand writing). All our learners are trained and helped to write in the same way. Any pupil who obstinately refutes this faces the academic and disciplinary committees for correction and guide measures. 5B Work and cleanliness All our pupils shall always present a change of their hand writing work from good to better until best or more is achieved. They must therefore display clean, complete, correct and tidy work in a clean book to the teacher in charge. 5C Reading and Revision. A pupil at rich Dad is a reader and therefore a leader of others in information and the way conclusions and approaches are designed for life and success. All pupils must therefore attend all reading lessons and public speeches / address sessions and study tours for the confidence we desire. Any pupils shunning such a development will be talked to in the presence of their parents. Showing a care free attitude to change might lead to dismissal. 5D Examinations All pupils must do examinations and tests prepared by the school to check on their potential and progress for recommendations and promotions and they must be in full charge of keeping their past papers for future reference and revision in their box files. 6 DISCIPLINE AND CONDUCT This is a key for all because progress moves hand in hand with discipline. We therefore must enforce it among our learners at Rich Dad Junior School – Entebbe Road Indiscipline and activities that are intolerable include; 6A Indecency 6B Using abusive language 6C Fighting of any form 6D Nicknaming fellow pupils 6E Stealing of any nature 6F Making noise unnecessarily 6G Refusal to greet others and elders 6H Disrespecting elders, teachers and democratically chosen prefects and class captains 6I Stubbornness of any form 6J Playing bad games 6K Involving in trade of any kind at school 6L Escaping from school 7 SECURITY AND UNIFORMITY Our uniform as designed with a security reflector for traffic security at night, no pupils is allowed to add anything to our known design. Any pupils found wearing a mismatching design (s) of our uniform shall be driven back home with caution. 8A CONCLUSION Breaching any of the regulations stated will call for a hearing/ disciplinary action/ punishment for changes, and if the vice persist, the pupil may be suspended or even expelled from school. This will depend on the weight and times of error. Only acts of indecency will call for an indefinite suspension or expulsion. Declaration I hereby declare that i will abide by the above rules and regulations as set and followed at RICH DAD JUNIOR SCHOOL. SHOW SUMMARY Some required Fields are emptyPlease check the highlighted fields. Submit Previous Step Next Step